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This window is for talking to other players who are online at the moment.

FW Classic Menu
Chat Window
  1. Chat Window - Describes parts of the chat window.

    • Chat Screen - Big black area with a lot of colored text in it. This is the area where you can see what you and others are saying.
    • Scroll Bar - Scroll bar between chat screen and Users Box. Scrolls up and down the chat screen.
    • Users In Room Box - Tall white box on the far right side of window, with a bunch of names and addition/subtraction signs beside them. Window that has the names of users currently in the room you are in.
    • Rooms Box - White box below the users box. Displays the rooms currently existing at the moment.
    • Text Box - Long white box at the bottom of the screen. You type text or chat commands here.

  2. Chat Commands - Just type these commands as you see them into the text box that you normally type into for chating with other players.

    • /brighter - Type this to make the text you type into the chat window a brighter shade of whatever color it is.
    • /clear - Typing this clears the chat screen.
    • /color [Red] [Green] [Blue] - This command changes the color of the text you type in the chat screen. Just type the command followed by a decimal number ranging from 0 to 255 for each color.
      example: /color 123 244 70 will give you the color you are seeing now.
    • /darker - Type this to make the text you type in chat a darker color.
    • /help - Type this to get a listing of commands.
    • /ignore - This command is used to stop annoying users from soiling your chat screen with their comments. Just highlight the user that you want to ignore in the "Users in Room Box", then type this command.
    • /join - Use this command to either create a new chat room or to join one that already exists. If you want to create a new chat room, just type this command along with the name you want the chat room to have, it must not be one that already exits, and it will be created. If you want to join one that already exits, just highlight the chat room in the "Rooms Box" that you want to go to, and type this command.
    • /me [Message] - This command is for when you want to type an action. Just type the command and continue on with the text of the action.
      example: /me waves his magic fingernail.... would have given you the effect that silver got in the example above. Please note there are no predefined actions, the sky and your keyboard is the limit of what you can do in chat.
    • /msg [Message] - This command is for when you want to send a private message to somebody. Just highlight the name of the person you want to send the message to, and then type this command followed by the messege that you want to send.
    • /nocolor - Type this to turn off all the chat colors. All the colors will be the same color, AKA: Newbie Grey.

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