Forgotten World Classic
The Original
Forgotten World Classic
Competition Server
Blah, blah, blah...
Humans |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | None |
Disadvantages: | None |
Description: |
Humans are the race that all the other races are based off of. This means that humans have no advantages or disadvantages like the other races do. This race is good for those who have not figured out what their playing style is and what race is best suited for them. |
Dwarves |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Best Builders/Craftsmen Good Fighters |
Disadvantages: | Poor Spellcasters Poor Theives/Ninjas |
Description: |
Dwarves are the fastest builders in the game along with building the highest quality weapons, armor, and war machines. They are also pretty good fighters. |
Dark Elves |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Great Theives/Ninjas Good Fighters Good Spellcasters |
Disadvantages: | Bad Builders/Craftsmen |
High Elves |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Best Researchers Best Spellcasters |
Disadvantages: | Poor Builders/Craftsmen |
Wood Elves |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Best Rangers Good Builders/Craftsman Good Theives/Ninjas |
Disadvantages: | Poor Researchers |
Orcs |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Great Fighters |
Disadvantages: | Bad Builders/Craftsmen Bad Researchers Poor Spellcasters
Ogres |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Best Fighters Good Builders/Craftsman |
Disadvantages: | Worst Researchers Bad Spellcasters |
Dire Wolves |
Type:Basic/New | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Great Fighters |
Disadvantages: | Bad Researchers Bad Builders/Craftsmen Poor Spellcasters |
Werewolves |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Good Fighters Decent Spellcasters Decent Builders/Craftsmen Decent Researchers |
Disadvantages: | None |
Vampires |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Good Fighters Great Researchers Great Spellcasters |
Disadvantages: | None |
Quicklings |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | Best Thieves/Ninjas Good Spellcasters |
Disadvantages: | Worst Fighters |
Humans |
Type: | Basic | This space for rent. |
Advantages: | None |
Disadvantages: | None |