Forgotten World Classic
The Original
Forgotten World Classic
Competition Server
This window is for sending and recieving both private and general messages between players. Not many players like the interface for the mail in this game. So an online bulletin board was created at You will see most messages and discussions taking place there.
- Window - Descriptins of various parts of the window.
- "Post to all" Button - This is the button you hit to have a message viewable by all who decide to look in the mail.
- "Post Private" Button - The "Post Private" Button posts the message you typed to whomever you have selected in the Post Priv to" Pull-down Menu. Sadly you can send private posts just to the people who you have the locations or maps to.
- "Read General post" Pull-down Menu - You click on this menu, scroll down to the message that you want to view, click on it, and wait. It takes a few moments for the message to show up in the main text area, but it will show up.
- "Post Priv to" Pull-down Menu - You click on this menu, scroll down to the name of the player you want to send a message to, and click on it.
- "Read Private post" Pull-down Menu - You click on this menu, scroll down to the message that you want to view, click on it, and wait. It takes a few moments for the message to show up in the main text area, but it will show up..
- Subject Text Box - This text box either displays what the subject of the message you are viewing is, or is where you type what the subject of your message is.
- Reply Button - Hit this button to send a reply to a private post.
- Delete Button - Use this button to delete the private post that you are currently reading.
- Main Text Area - This is the area where you type or view messages.