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This window displays the status of your kingdom at this very minute.

FW Classic Menu
Status Window
  1. General Stats - Upper-left side of the screen.

    • Name - Your user name.
    • Score - Your current score.
    • Race - The race of your kingdom.
    • Morale - Displays a ratio of your current moral level to the level that you have studied.
    • Total Turns Used - How many turns you have used so far.
    • Total Turns Left - How many turns you have left to use.
    • Land - Displays a ratio of how much land you have to how much land you have empty.
    • Food - How much food you currently have on hand.
    • Population - How many people live your kingdom.
    • Gold - How much gold you currently have on hand.
    • Mana - The amount of mana you have.
    • Economy - The level of economy that you have studied to.
    • Weapons - How many weapons you have.
    • Weapon Rating - Displays the rating of the weapons you have compared to the skill level you have studied to.
    • Armor - How much armor you have.
    • Armor Rating - Displays the rating of the armor you have compared to the skill level you have studied to.

  2. Army Stats - Lower-left side of the screen. This is displayed in two columns. The first column is the name of the unit and the second column displays the current skill level of the units you have.

    • War Machines - Shows how many War Machines you have. The skill level displays a ratio of the rating of the war machines you have compared to the skill you have them studied to.
    • Fighters - Shows how many fighters you have. The skill level displays what skill your fighters are at.
    • Rangers - Shows how many rangers you have. The skill level displays what skill your rangers are at.
    • Clerics - Shows how may clerics you have. The skill level displays what skill your clerics are at.
    • Mages - Shows how many mages you have. The skill level displays what skill your mages are at.
    • Thieves - Shows how many thieves you have. The skill level displays what skill your thieves are at.
    • Ninjas - Shows how many ninjas you have. The skill level displays what skill your ninjas are at.
    • Researchers - Shows how many researchers. The skill level displays what skill your researchers are at.
    • Engineers - Shows how many engineers you have. The skill level displays what skill your engineers are at.

  3. Buildings - Right side of screen.

    • Farms - The number of farm parts you have built.
    • Barracks - The number of farm parts you have built.
    • Outposts - The number of outposts parts you have built.
    • Guard Towers - The number of guard tower parts you have built.
    • Schools - The number of school parts you have built.
    • Armories - The number of armory parts you have built.
    • Vaults - The number of farm vault you have built.
    • Cathedrals - The number of cathedral parts you have built.
    • Smithies - The number of smith parts you have built.
    • Market Places - The number of market place parts you have built.
    • Training Fields - The number of training field parts you have built.
    • Colloseums - The number of coloseum parts you have built.
    • Castles - The number of castle parts you have built.

  4. Current Stats - Bar along the bottom. This bar shows up at the bottom of all the windows.

    • Turns - How many turns you have left to use.
    • Food - How much food you currently have on hand.
    • Mana - The amount of mana you have.
    • Gold - How much gold you currently have on hand.
    • People - How many people live your kingdom.
    • Morale - How happy your people are at the moment.
    • Context Sensitive Help Bar - This appears below the rest of the current stats. This displays a little information on whatever you hold your mouse over.

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